

Vadim Boichenko congratulates on Teachers’ Day

04 October 2018, 17:49

An education personnel celebrates its professional holiday on the first Sunday of October. The celebration has been held in ‘Ukrainskiy Dom’ Palace of Culture. The City Mayor Vadim Boichenko greeted Mariupol teachers.

The pupils of Mariupol Sea Lyceum met the guests of honor in the hall. The city creative centers and centers of extracurricular activities presented child’s little theater things.

 The City Mayor appreciated the teachers for their every day work.

‘Children are the most precious achievement that every person has and they fall into your hands. We do the first steps, get experience and make mistakes with you. You give a helping hand and prebrief. The main thing you have taught us to do is to struggle with difficulties, to confront the problems and never give up’,
the Mayor said.

Vadim Boichenko presented ceremonial certificates for the preparation of Ukrainian Olympiad winners.

The Deputy Mayor Aleksandr Kochurin admitted that education is a top-priority question for the City Mayor.

 ‘I want to wish all the changes to be directed to the positive side and be realized completely’, he admitted.

Besides,all the workers of education field got money reward.

Creative groups of the city joined to the greetings. They prepared a holiday program for the teachers.