

«Marriage in 24 hours» has been working in Mariupol already for a year

03 August 2017, 15:33
Society, Culture

«Marriage in 24 hours» project of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine started in the summer of 2016 in five cities, including Mariupol, now 20 cities of the country are connected to the project. On August 3, 2016, the first 8 couples married within the framework of the project in Mariupol. Vadim Boichenko, the Mayor, came to greet the newlyweds. The project in our city is 1 year today.

The second year of the ‘Marriage in 24 hours’ pilot project began with the marriage of three couples. Two of them came from a temporarily uncontrolled territory of Ukraine. Natalia and Dmytro, the newlyweds, point out that it is important for them to get exactly the Ukrainian document that confirms the creation of their family and is valid everywhere.

The project is implemented in Mariupol on the basis of the Molodizhnyi Palace of Culture (17/25, Kharlampivska St.). And the minimum registration cost is 1455 UAH. And this is one of the lowest prices in Ukraine.

“The project also provided the opportunity for newlyweds from uncontrolled territories, internally displaced persons, and military personnel, and just residents of our city to register a marriage on the day of filing an application”, - Olena Pavlova, the Deputy Head of the Main Territorial Administration of Justice in Donetsk Oblast, said. 

At the moment, 1451 couples entered the marriage. And this is the fourth place in Ukraine after Kiev, Odesa and Dnipropetrovsk. It is mainly inhabitants of temporarily occupied territories (Donetsk, Makiivka, Novoazovsk). And residents of other countries, such as Argentina, Canada, Azerbaijan, also enter into marriage. But now the marriage registration of foreign citizens is temporarily stopped, but it is planned to bring back it in the future.

In general, the procedure takes several hours:

1) newlyweds fill in applications, submit documents; pay receipts;

2) it takes several hours to check information, fill in a number of documents;

3) civil ceremony, they handed out two certificates of marriage (no passport endorsement since last year).

To participate in the project you need:

1) identity card;

2) documents about divorce, if one of the newlyweds had been married before.