

More than 400 condominiums were established in Mariupol

30 August 2017, 15:55
Society, Housing and Utilities Infrastructure

A real holiday with energetic animators, inflammatory music and sports contests called "Farewell, Summer!" has taken place today in the yard of the Livoberezhnyi Condominium, which is in 11/11, Kyivska Street. Residents are very glad about their decision to become a condominium, because their yard turned into a magnet for the attraction of children from the entire neighborhood, quietly gaining the glory of the “Little Disneyland”.

Groomed tracks, new roads and curbs, benches and pavilions, various sports and playgrounds for children have appeared here. It's hard to believe, but a year ago there was an abandoned empty estate at this place. But thanks to the Condominium Support Program, yards which decide to take responsibility and create a partnership of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings, become more improved by the minute. So, according to the Program, each condominium gets a major overhaul of one of the constructions to choose from and the “Cozy Yard” program.

And now, when residents of the next building in 11/2, Kyivska Street having seen positive results from the transition to the condominium associations, they also decided to support the housing reform of Ukraine.

“There are already 412 condominiums, which is more than 20% of the city's housing stock. Mariupol is the leader of the creation of condominiums in the country for today, - Dmytro Vizenkov, the Deputy Director of the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure Development of the City Council, said. - Despite the fact that there is no law that pushes people to move to condominiums, there is an active support program for them in Mariupol, which gets a large financial resource from the city budget”.

Meanwhile, the image of condominium varies not only externally but internally. For example, the entrance to the building number 11/1 played out in bright colors. It was painted by children today.

According to Viktor Ocheretin, the Chairman of the Livoberezhnyi District Administration, it is clear how the members of the condominium associations put their heart into the development of the yard and housing stock. Residents of the building in Kyivska Street are going to plant greenery and install a fountain.

“The program of support for condominiums is a gift to residents of Mariupol, and then residents are giving presents to each other. Each cozy yard becomes a part of the overall picture of the city, and because of it Mariupol becomes even more beautiful”, - Viktor Ocheretin said.