

The delegation from Mariupol has visited an innovative school of Gdansk

29 March 2018, 16:19
Society, Education

Today the delegation from Mariupol has visited the secondary school №8 in Gdansk (Poland) in charge of the City Mayor Vadim Boichenko. The education reform is underway in Ukraine, so the purpose of the visit is to get acquainted with innovative approaches in teaching children with best practices.

The school is spacious and creative. Libraries and entertainment areas are designed in such a way that all children feel comfort and they can freely improve their skills. More than 700 children study here at the age from 6 to 19.

The delegation visited a programming lesson where children are taught the basics of color coding. According to the teachers, it also helps to develop logic, thinking, set tasks, plan and design. The delegation examined the library, sports halls and also got acquainted with interactive and modern methods of teaching children.

The head of the school Agnieszka Tomasik noted that the teachers spend a lot of time with their students. Each lesson is a new experience, challenge and discovery. Their task is not only to teach children to submit information but also to learn by themselves - to look for new teaching methods aimed to develop activity, motivation and  enjoy the process of studying.

In addition, the work at school is organized so that all students have equal opportunities in training and self-education. Children with disabilities and chronic diseases also study here. Modern technologies help them. For example, the motor skills are developed with the use of  tablet programs.

The school reacts to the dynamic changes in the world. One of the main tasks is to bring out the best into a personality who will  move forward.