

More than 800 mln are given to support education sector: Vadym Boichenko

26 August 2020, 14:45
Society, Education

Reconstruction has started at school № 27. It will become another methodological educational center. About a thousand children will be able to study there. Besides, we started energy efficient modernization and school № 15 in the Primorsky district. Mayor Vadym Boichenko examined the progress of the repairs.

More than 800 million have been allocated to support the education sector. And this is only for the last four years. The sources of financing are attracted investments and budget funds. This direction requires immediate investment for a successful future and comfortable conditions for our children. Major overhauls of flagship schools and local modernization of all educational institutions are consistent steps towards reforming the education system in Mariupol,
Vadym Boichenko stressed.

At school № 27, visualizations of objects are already ready. In addition to bright facades, the institution will have multifunctional and transforming spaces. All classes will be filled with comfortable furniture. Chemistry, physics and biology classrooms will be equipped with special equipment for practical training. Language laboratories for learning foreign languages ​​will appear. Headphones and tablets will be provided for each student.

School № 15 will undergo capital energy efficient modernization. All window blocks will be replaced with metal-plastic ones, the roof and facade with insulation will be overhauled, the entrance group will be repaired. The educational process will continue in parallel with the renovation. In the summer of 2021, there are plans to start the reconstruction of the internal premises.

Besides, a sports complex will appear near each object - a football field, a basketball court, anti-vandal exercise equipment, a treadmill and other spaces for practicing various sports. Thus, school facilities will become the epicenters of the sports life of the two districts of the city.

It should be noted that the reconstruction of these facilities is financed by the European Investment Bank. The total investment is about UAH 90 million.