

Vadym Boichenko: We continue to develop our Mariupol

22 February 2022, 14:20

Mayor Vadym Boichenko said that Mariupol continues to follow the path of development and implementation of large-scale projects on the Day of the Deputy. The mayor urged residents to stay calm and trust only official sources of information.

“Now there is an information war with the aim of intimidating the civilian population of the city, residents of the occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. My answer is simple - we continue to develop Mariupol. All utilities are operating normally. We believe in our servicemen and we know that we are under reliable protection,” Vadym Boichenko stressed.

The mayor noted that Mariupol has been living near the war for 8 years. From time to time there are problems with the source of water supply, the city switches to a reserve reservoir. Now Mariupol, together with France, is implementing a large-scale project that will provide the city with an independent source of water supply, drinking water from the tap and high-quality European-level service. The other day, Vadym Boichenko met with the French Ambassador to Ukraine, who assured that the project would be completed, regardless of the situation in the region. In February, an expert group arrived in the city and developed a work schedule.

In addition, Mariupol expects the development of logistics projects with the support of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine. The mayor used to discuss the construction of the airport, the renewal of the rolling stock, the reduction of the route  and the reconstruction of the station at a meeting with the minister.

“We, the municipal government, are engaged in the development of our city. Our military is ready to protect us. Mariupol is ready, territorial defense has been created and there are people who are ready to defend the city. The information war will intensify, but we must protect ourselves and our loved ones from it. Do not believe rumors, trust official sources of information. We believe in ourselves, we believe in Ukraine,” Vadym Boichenko said.