

Mariupol residents celebrate Vyshyvanka Day

20 May 2021, 21:00

It has become a good tradition for Mariupol to celebrate Vyshyvanka Day together with the whole of Ukraine. Today, the city received a video of congratulations from different cities in eight regions of the country. Due to the quarantine, the crowded parade was replaced by cultural events in the Theater Square and Veselka Park. Mayor Vadym Boichenko talked to Mariupol residents and bought several souvenir towels.

‘We are used to large-scale celebrations, but today it is necessary to observe quarantine. This is a temporary phenomenon and we must understand that only our awareness will help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Having the example of European countries, we see that vaccination is the way to a normal, habitual life,’ Vadym Boichenko told.

Thus, the organizers have prepared thematic exhibitions of embroideries, various jewelry made of beads and fabric at the locations. There were master classes of paper crafts and chalk drawings for children. There was also a mini-fair of handicrafts.

A concert took place on the stage of the Theater Square. The best creative groups of the city performed.