

Mariupol has found the ways to solve a sludge basin problem

04 July 2018, 12:58
Society, Ecology

Today a ‘roadmap’ of start-up measures has been adopted to address the issue of sludge disposal at a biological waste treatment plant during the meeting of the working group in Mariupol. It is planned to purchase biologics that should eliminate unpleasant odor this summer.

A working group was formed to solve that problem on behalf of the Mayor Vadim Boichenko. It included both representatives of the government entity and the public.

‘We understand the problem associated with a sludge basin. Now we need to hold events that are included in the ‘road map’ to eliminate smells within 1-2 months’, the First Deputy Mayor Mikhail Kogut said.

At the meeting, the results and recommendations of unscheduled audit conducted by specialists of the State Ecological Inspection in Donetsk region were announced. According to the analysis, it was discovered that there are no exceedances for discharge and the accumulated dry sludge must be taken to the sites. In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to solve the problem with disposal by the end of the year. ‘Gorvodokanal’ has been given appropriate regulations.

As the director of Gorvodokanal Gennadiy Izyumov explained, the experts were recruited to investigate the state of the biological wastewater treatment plant - HAFI Project & Technology GmbH and ‘EKBIT’ NPC with representatives of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. They performed an inspection of the technical condition of the equipment, familiarized themselves with the results of waste water analysis at the inlet and outlet from the treatment facilities. They gave opinions on the observance of the technology of wastewater treatment and  received recommendations on the further operation and sludge diposal.

Based on the conclusions, a ‘roadmap’ of start-up activities was developed to address the issue of sludge disposal at a biological waste treatment plant. In the list of short-term measures: treatment of sludge fields with biological preparations for odor removal, rental of machinery for loading and exporting dry silt and sand, and acquisition of specialized equipment for this purpose. Long-term measures include the development of a feasibility study for the identification of methods for the utilization of sludge and waste sand areas, the development of a PSD ‘Modernization of the SBS with the use of sewage sludge utilization system’, as well as monitoring of the air environment and the composition of sludge for the presence of heavy metals.

For example, treatment of fields with biological preparations will eliminate the unpleasant odor for 1-2 weeks. It is planned to purchase a trial lot of the chemicals during July - early August and to follow the effectiveness of the result.

During the meeting, the community members asked clarifying questions to specialists and made their suggestions for a comprehensive analysis. In the end, they adopted a ‘roadmap’ for sludge disposal at a biological treatment plant for sewage.